God gives us two boxes.
Archived as Comfort  on Apr 20, 2004
More often than not we make the mistake of putting our heart into our work rather than our family.
Archived as Comfort  on Aug 15, 2003
A son wants to bring home an injured friend from war and asks his parents if he could stay. What do they say?
Archived as Comfort  on Jul 20, 2002
What does a willing heart give back to God?
Archived as Comfort  on Jun 8, 2002
Promises are rarely kept, but Jesus always keep His promises.
Archived as Comfort  on Mar 22, 2002
He is Almighty and He can do anything we miniscule people can't do and more... so put your burdens in His hands and you will be alright.
Archived as Comfort  on Feb 6, 1999
This famous little song always takes care of me when I'm in distress.
Archived as Comfort  on Jan 17, 1999